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Facebook has deemphasized Page Likes and shifted its focus to Followers, a number which tends to be higher. As a result of this move, The Talent Report will showcase the number of pages following Talent on Facebook page, by now sharing the Follow metric instead of Page Likes in our monthly Social Media reports.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

For the first month of 2021, the Talent that had the highest number of Interactions, Followers and Growth on Facebook had a variety of types of content. The posts that came out on top for the Top 10 Syndicated Radio Facebook Influencers were bold statements, travels, personal and professional milestones, information, gossip and more.

To see which content over-performed for this group on Facebook, watch the video below. Find past lists of Social Media Influencers here.



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