Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino‘s new FX show was introduced this summer with distinctive promos featuring an ear-catching song. “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” by Australian band Tame Impala

is the song, and the haunting vocals mixed with the smooth yet gritty beat made us love it.

But we’re not the only fans–Rihanna was so into it, that she covered it and included it on her latest album “Anti” and renamed it “Same Ol’ Mistakes.” Rihanna’s take is very similar to the original, which is a very good thing, since she captures the mood and overall essence of “New Person, Same Old Mistakes.”

MTV News

Rihanna’s music has consistently delivered hits across multiple formats. Can she take this Alternative song and make it a massive multi-genre hit? About two dozen stations have played Rihanna’s “Same Ol’ Mistakes” this year, with only two reaching double-digit airplay.

“Atlanta” has received acclaim from critics, so it will be interesting to see if the positive buzz around the show will resurrect Tame Impala’s tune that was under-appreciated outside of the Alternative world into a smash with Rihanna on vocals. Listen to both versions below.

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