Charlamagne Tha God

Charlamagne Tha God

Charlamagne Tha God often gets national attention for asking celebrities questions they may not want to answer on the nationally syndicated morning show “The Breakfast Club.” But his compelling point of view on a hot topic brought him to “TMZ Live.”

NAACP Spokane, WA Chapter President Rachel Dolezal is a white woman who has been representing herself as black, and Charlamagne’s comparison to Caitlyn Jenner‘s transition during his “Donkey of the Day” benchmark was cited as a great point by TMZ Managing Editor Harvey Levin.

Hear what Charlamagne said by listening to the audio player below.

In addition to the appearance on TMZ Live, interviewed Charlamagne about his comments on “The Breakfast Club.”

RELATED: Interview: Charlamagne Tha God Says Caitlyn Jenner And Rachel Dolezal Are Sisters-In-Arms

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