Erica CampbellGospel singer and reality show star Erica Campbell is preparing for a new role: morning show radio personality on a nationally syndicated program. “Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell” will launch on Monday, May 10th at 6 am EST.

The four-hour show will be syndicated by Reach Media and will broadcast from its Dallas headquarters. About her new role, Erica says, “I’m grateful to Reach Media, Radio One, Dan Otero of Globe Star Media and Warryn Campbell, CEO of My Block Records, for believing in me and my ability to inspire America to Get Up!”

“Erica has mastered her craft in music and she’s winning in reality TV and even social media,” said Reach Media and Radio One’s Radio Group CEO David Kanter. “I’m glad Reach Media and Radio One can provide her access to syndicated radio – another media to dominate and share her inspirational voice.”

No word on if Erica Campbell will totally fly solo, or will have co-hosts. Tune in on May 10th to hear!

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