The Sip Cast 2016

Some believe you should not listen to the first broadcast of a new show, because there are inherent kinks to be worked out. But episode 1 of “The Sip” was very entertaining even though it was the first time the four men have worked together, and shows a lot of promise.

“The Sip” is executive produced by marketing and P.R. executive David Dodd and hosted by Radio Talent Clay Cane, educator/youth advocate Andre Darey, stylist Isaac King and writer Lenox Magee. Their sexuality is openly discussed on the show, but it isn’t exclusive to LGBT listeners.


On episode 1 of “The Sip,” the co-hosts talked about their disappointment in Caitlyn Jenner, the power of gay dollars, and they interviewed two cast members of “The Prancing Elites Project.” 

There’s room for growth with “The Sip,” but the collective energy and personality of the hosts makes us excited about their future.

Urban Broadcast Media’s “The Sip” runs two-hours and can be heard every Friday. Streaming of all three episodes is available here, and learn more about the hosts of “The Sip” in this article.

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