Consistent is the word that best describes the October edition of The Talent Report‘s Top 10 Syndicated Radio Facebook Influencers chart, with eight personalities returning. While the Talent that ranked high enough to make this chart represent a variety of formats, they all share the ability to generate a high level of engagement on Facebook as measured by Interactions, Followers and Growth.

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Ed Lover and Ryan Seacrest are the two personalities who were absent from the September list. Ryan Seacrest has appeared on both our Instagram and Facebook charts through the years, but this marks Ed Lover’s debut.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

Every month The Talent Report publishes Social Media charts highlighting those from Syndicated Radio who were most effective on Instagram and Facebook during the previous month. Visit on the first Monday of every month to see who came out on top!

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