
The Talent Report’s list of the Top 10 Syndicated Radio Influencers on Instagram for March has a 60% return rate from the previous month, and featured four new additions. Plus, three new personalities were added to the panel, and one of them actually made our top 10 list:

Bill O’Reilly, “The O’Reilly Update
DJ Xtreme, “ConXtreme
Tony Lorino, “Throwback Nation Radio

The average posting rate for the 123 syndicated personalities monitored was once per day. Rev. Al Sharpton was the most active, with an average of 15 posts a day in the month of March.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

Video views were phenomenal, as the average amount of views per account was 577,663. D.L. Hughley generated more than any other Talent with 19.59 million views on Instagram alone in just one month. D.L. was also one of the most active personalities on the platform. He posted an average of 11 posts per day in March, second only to Rev. Al Sharpton.

RELATED: Top 10 Syndicated Radio Instagram Influencers (February 2019)

Hear the analysis below, and  scroll down to take a look at the entire Top 10 list.

RELATED: Top 10 Syndicated Radio Twitter Influencers (February 2019)

RELATED: Top 10 Syndicated Radio Facebook Influencers (February 2019)

TTR Instagram March 2019

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