YouTube isn’t just a video platform, it’s also a massive search engine and social network. With over 1 billion monthly users, YouTube is a great place to connect with fans and discover new one. So why aren’t more personalities marketing themselves there?

Trey Morgan can be heard weekday afternoons in New York City on WWFS (Fresh 102.7), and his self-marketing on YouTube and social media likely helped him land a primetime gig in the number one market. What makes Trey’s marketing so special?

Instead of posting a single video aircheck, Trey uploaded several videos so Program Directors and consultants can see that he truly has talent. Also, Trey doesn’t convert audio to video and then post on YouTube. Instead, he uses footage of himself in the studio, and edits those clips to give a visual element to his aircheck. Lastly, Trey does a great job imaging the video with clean graphics that promote his key social handles.

If you’re looking to bring more attention to your talent, take a look at Trey’s video aircheck above.



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