Rock-T, Steve Harvey and Dave Ramsey maintained their excellent engagement on Facebook from November to December as you can see on The Talent Report‘s final Social Media Influencers chart of 2022. The #2 position was retained by Rock-T, and Steve Harvey and Dave Ramsey traded places.

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There are three Facebook metrics used to calculate this Top 10 list: Interactions, Followers and Growth. The remaining Talent to make the December tally are D.L. Hughley, Loni Love, Dan Bongino, Da Brat, Stevie Van Zandt, Paul Shaffer and Bomani Jones.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

Every month The Talent Report releases charts spotlighting the Personalities who shined brightest on Instagram and Facebook. Go here to see past lists of Influencers from Syndicated Radio!

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