Syndicated Radio Talent from Country, News/Talk, Rock and Urban AC comprise The Talent Report‘s Top 10 Facebook Influencers for July. The most dominant format is News/Talk with half of the personalities specializing in spoken word: Dave Ramsey, Brian Kilmeade, Dana Loesch, Thom Hartmann and Dan Bongino. Country is represented by Terri Clark, and Stevie Van Zandt and Eddie Trunk are the Rockers. Lastly, Steve Harvey and YoYo are heard on Urban AC stations.

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Previous rankings are not factored when calculating the performance of Talent on Facebook. Instead, Interaction Rate (Reactions, Comments and Shares); Page Followers; and Growth Rate are used to determine who makes the Top 10 each month.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

Visit on the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to find out which Talent excelled on Instagram and Facebook, respectively. Click here to take a look at previous Social Media lists highlighting Talent from Syndicated Radio shows.

1. Dave Ramsey
2. Terri Clark
3. Steve Harvey
4. Brian Kilmeade
5. Dana Loesch
6. Stevie Van Zandt
7. YoYo
8. Eddie Trunk
9. Thom Hartmann
10. Dan Bongino

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