Instagram continued to be a wildly popular Social Media platform in 2020, but it is still second to Facebook when it comes to the number of users. According to Hootsuite, a billion people go to Instagram each month. 112.5 million of those users are in the United States, with 89% of Instagram users located outside the country.

RELATED: How The Talent Report’s Top Syndicated Radio Social Media Influencers Rankings Are Calculated

Because of the magnitude of the platform, it’s a challenge to get attention in such a big sea of content. Nevertheless, there were 10 from the world of Syndicated Radio who had a highly engaged base of Followers throughout 2020. Throughout the year, monitored the Interactions, number of Followers and the rate of Growth of Followers to determine who was the most impactful on Instagram.

Find The Talent Report On Instagram!

Press play below to see who made The Talent Report’s Top 10 Syndicated Radio Instagram Influencers Of 2020, alongside some of their best-performing content for the year, and scroll down to see the entire list!

NOTE: The N/A in the Rank field is listed for Talent not monitored for all of 2019

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